Days of the Trumpet Call – End Times Final

By | 2 februara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Predstojeće aktivnosti u 2012. godini u Zaječaru

1. Takmičenje klavirista Borskog i Zaječarskog okruga - april 2012.

2. Dan škole 12.05.2012.

3. Svečani Završni koncert učenika 15.06.2012.

4. Svetski Dan muzike 21.06 2012. - Trg oslobođenja Zaječar

By | 2 februara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Bond – Explosive

By | 18 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Nemanja Radulović 3. i 4. februara na Kolarcu

Violinista Nemanja Radulović nastupiće u subotu, 4. februara, u Velikoj dvorani Kolarčeve zadužbine, u klavirskoj pratnji Suzan Manof i ansambla Dabl Sens i kvarteta Le Trij di Diabl (Les Trilles du Diable).

By | 15 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Metallica&San Francisco Symphony Orchestra – Nothing Else Matters


By | 14 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Sieben – Ogham the Knowledge

By | 12 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Radni raspust

Učenici MŠ Stevan Mokranjac, u Kraljevu, redovno vežbaju u svojoj školi za vreme zimskog raspusta!

By | 8 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds
Or bends with the remover to remove
O no! It is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken
It is the star to every wandering bark
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks
But bears it out even to the edge of doom
If this be error and upon me proved
I never writ nor no man ever loved

William Shakespeare (1609)

By | 7 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders (1987)

Something happened. It is still going on. It binds me. It was true at night and it is true in the day, even more so now. Who was who? I was in her and she was aroud me. Who in the world can claim that he was ever together with another being. I am together. No mortal child was begor, only an immortal common image. I learnd astonishment that night. She came to take me home and I find home. It happened once. Once and therefore forewer. The image that we created will be with me when I die. It will have lived within it. The amazement about two of us, amazement about man and woman has turned me into the human being. I know now what no angel knows.

By | 5 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Stalker Andreja Tarkovskog (1979) – završna scena

Andrej Tarkovski svoj naučno fantastični triler o putu trojice ljudi kroz postapokaliptičnu divljinu zvanu Zona do Sobe - prostorije u kojoj se ispunjavaju najskrivenije i najdublje želje, završava scenom u kojoj Stalkerova ćerka čita stihove Fjodora Ivanoviča Tjutčeva, spušta glavu na sto i psihokinetički pomera čaše. Jedna čaša pada, a napolju se čuje sve jači zvuk voza koji prolazi, od koga počinje da se trese cela prostorija. Uz zvuk voza, prigušena Betovenova Deveta Simfonija - Oda radosti, iz nejasnog izvora, ostavlja gledaoca u nedoumici da li je sama melodija, zapravo, stvarnost ili iluzija.

By | 4 januara, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara