29. Београдски џез фестивал
Спој фада и имагинације
Одајемо почаст португалској музици, каже пијаниста и композитор Жулио Ресенде, који ће наступити са специјалном гошћом певачицом Маријом Жоао
Julia Hülsmann: Unutrašnji mir i samokontrola
"Uživo je naša muzika mnogo drugačija od onoga što se čuje na disku. Tada može da krene u raznim smerovima i uglavnom zvuči sirovije i energičnije. jer je tu publika za koju sviramo i na koju reagujemo"
Vangelis o ulozi muzike u vreme „haosa, krize i neizvesnosti“
Intervju u kojem Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou govori o ulozi muzike u vreme "haosa, krize i neizvesnosti".
Grčki je kompozitor električke muzike, progresivne, ambijentalne i orkestralne muzike, poznat pod umetničkim imenom 'Vangelis'.
Smatra se najznačajnijim grčkim kompozitorom, producentom i aranžerom svih vremena.
10 tipps : classical guitar competitions
1.) Never bore the jury!
2.) Learn and practice at home to tune your guitar fast and precise
In times of almost invisible clip-on-tuners there is no excuse to play on a
desasterly tuned instrument
3.) Learn to adjust all your “tools” quickly!
Chair, supports, armsocks, pieces of leather, nobody wants to see a five minutes slapstick show!
4.) Dress with brain!
Meaning authentically, but visibly chosen with care. If your baggypants and sneakers are part of your established image that might work, but never forget: It is a stage and you are presenting always your attitude to what you are doing. And the jury has to watch you for sometimes many minutes! Also strange is evening makeup and long dress in the early morning, but the basic rule is: Better over- than underdress, it is your profession and you should show that you are a professional and that you understand the rules of stage.
New director of The Norwegian Council for Schools of Music and Performing Arts (Norsk kulturskoleråd)
From September 2013 the Norsk kulturskoleråd appointed Morten Christiansen as new director.
Morten Christiansen was the managing director of The Childhood and Youth Developing Program in Nord-Trøndelag County. Next to this he was also the supervisor of The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.
Christiansen has previously worked as a leader of Educational and Cultural Units, headmaster of a Music School and as teacher, both in music schools as in ordinary schools.
Morten Christiansen studied at the University of Oslo, where he graduated in philosophy and science. He also studied at the Music Conservatory in Oslo and has a Masters Degree in Knowledge and Innovation Management (CBS).
More complementary information you will find on http://www.kulturskoleradet.no/nyheter/morten-christiansen-ny-direktor-i-norsk-kulturskolerad/