У ауторском албуму бр. 3 Миломира Дојчиновића представљене су обраде староградских песама за хармонику. Композиције одговарају наставном плану и програму за ученике основних музичких школа. Крајем следеће недеље, администрација Удружења педагога основних и средњих музичких школа на адресе музичких школа у Србији послаће поштом по неколико примерака овог издања гратис за професоре хармоника.
Takmičenje „Citta di Castelfidardo“
Na 38. Međunarodnom takmičenju harmonike „Citta di Castelfidardo“ koje je od 20-22. septembra 2013. godine održano u Italiji, učenici naše škole sa odseka harmonike postigli su sjajne rezultate:
Nas bivsi ucenik,uspesni pijanista,ponos Mokranjca
Serbian pianist Nenad Ivovic's outstanding lunchtime recital yesterday in the Muziekgebouw Eindhoven (Netherlands) was rewarded with a well deserved standing ovation from the packed hall. The audience was enthralled by his programme which included works by Scarlatti, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Franck.
Nenad described his experience: The concert went great. It was one of the best I have played. Organisation of trip, beautiful hall, atmosphere, perfect piano and acoustic, standing ovations... just simply genious. I will remember this concert for sure. Thank you very very much, and I hope that there will be opportunity for some concerts more, because this is something special and beautiful. Nenad won the 1st prize and EMCY Prize at this year’s International Competition for Young Pianists 'A Step Towards Mastery' in St Petersburg and has also enjoyed success at the International Competition of Young Musicians ‘Petar Konjovic’ in Belgrade.
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