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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

Trio Agape u Paviljonu „Cvijeta Zuzorić“

Trio Agape ćete moći da čujete, posle male letnje pauze, u Beogradu, 25. oktobra, u Paviljonu "Cvijeta Zuzorić" sa početkom u 19 časova. Još datuma stiže uskoro, a imamo i malo novembarsko iznenađenje zbog koga smo vrlo uzbuđene!

By | 6 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Velike godišnjice


Klod Debisi
(1862 - 1918.)
Džordž Geršvin
(1898 - 1937)
Moris Ravel
(1875 - 1937)

By | 6 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Presidium meets Germany

From 5 till 7 December 2012 Germany will be the host of the 4th meeting of the EMU presidium. The presidium was invited by the Verband deutscher Musikschulen e.V. (VdM).
On the first day the presidium will meet the head of the Department of Culture of the City of Bonn, Malte Boecker, the new Director of the Beethoven-Haus and Matthias Pannes, CEO VdM.
The Beethoven-Haus will be the venue of the meeting.

On the second day a presentation on the subject of music gerontology will be provided by Prof. Dr. Theo Hartogh, University of Vechta.

By | 6 oktobra, 2012|EMU|Nema komentara

Psihički problemi Betovena

Kada je poznati kompozitor Ludwig van Beethoven umro od zatajenja jetre 1827. bila je to posljedica toga što je svoje brojne zdravstvene probleme rješavao desetljećima – alkoholom. Nažalost, mnogo toga od čega je Beethoven možda patio vjerojatno se moglo liječiti današnjim lijekovima, uključujući i bipolarni poremećaj, piše Business Insider.

Beethovenovi napadaji manije bili su dobro poznati njegovom krugu prijatelja, a kada je bio u tom periodu, mogao je sastaviti brojna djela odjednom. Štoviše, njegova najslavnija djela nastala su upravo u tim njegovim 'mračnim momentima'. Nažalost, planirao je i izvršiti samoubojstvo, što je napisao svojoj braći u pismu.

Početkom 1813. prolazio je kroz teško depresivno razdoblje da je prestao brinuti o svom izgledu. Također, prestao je u potpunosti skladati tijekom tog vremena.

By | 5 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Deco, pridružite nam se!

By | 3 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Arts and Cultural Education in Norway

Report by Professor Anne Bamford

Arts and Cultural Education in Norway
Report by Professor Anne Bamford

Printed version can be ordered for free from the National Centre for Arts and Culture in Education in Norway. Just send a mail to post@kunstkultursenteret.no

By | 3 oktobra, 2012|EMU|Nema komentara

Anketa 2012.

Anketa 2012.
Da li propozicije Republičkog takmičenja odgovaraju mogućnostima dece u okviru kategorija?
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 Glasajte! -----> http://www.zmbss.org/srl/index.php

By | 3 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara

Seminar – From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for European Music Education : Access, Quality and Social Challenges

The European Music School Union (EMU), in partnership with the European Music Council (EMC) and with participation of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), will organise from 18 to 20 October 2012 in the Palace of Arts in Budapest a seminar on music education entitled From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for European Music Education.

By | 1 oktobra, 2012|EMU|Nema komentara

International Piano Competition Roberto Szidon

Welcome to the 1st International Piano Competition “Roberto Szidon”

The Porphyrogenis Foundation is proud to announce the 1st International Piano Competition “Roberto Szidon” to be held from April 13-20, 2013 in Agria-Volos, Greece, as part of the “Evmelia” Festival. This is a remarkable musical event to discover and support young talents of classical music. Organized in the year of 2012, the competition is dedicated to the memory of one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, the legendary Brazilian virtuoso Roberto Szidon, who died in Germany on December 21st 2011. The organizers hope that the competition will help bring classical music closer to Greek music lovers and strengthen the exchange between young talented pianists in the region.


By | 1 oktobra, 2012|Takmičenja|Nema komentara

„Odjeci Mokranjčevih dana“ u Mokranjčevoj zadužbini

Uz podršku Ministarstva kulture, informisanja i informacionog društva Republike Srbije, Mokranjčeva zadužbina je, u septembru 2012. godine, organizovala "Odjeke Mokranjčevih dana" u Beogradu, Kragujevcu i Novom Sadu. Nosilac manifestacije je bio pobednik Natpevavanja horova na festivalu "Mokranjčevi dani" 2011. godine, Kamerni hor SALUTARIS iz Minska, Belorusija www.salutarischoir.org, a koncerti su realizovani u saradnji sa Domom kulture "Stevan Mokranjac" iz Negotina, Sekretarijatom za kulturu grada Beograda, Muzičkim centrom iz Kragujevca i Muzičkom omladinom Novog Sada.

Image - mr Bodin Starčević

By | 1 oktobra, 2012|Razno|Nema komentara