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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

Symposium „Dementia and music. Research and practice“

Saturday, 21 September 2013; University of Vechta

Making and listening to music is now considered as an ideal way in supporting and attending people living with dementia.
Throughout Europe different paths are taken at this. At this symposium international participants from various research disciplines, training courses at universities, geriatric homes and music educational institutions are brought together to enter into dialogue about existing musical way to stimulate and attend people with dementia, and find new ones. To this exchange, we would like to invite you!

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By | 11 marta, 2013|EMU|Nema komentara

Velike godišnjice

Đuzepe Verdi
  Vilhelm Rihard Vagner

By | 11 marta, 2013|Razno|Nema komentara

Nagrade ZMBŠS

Nagrađene profesorke za "višegodišnje svestrano delovanje u obrazovanju mladih talenata i za svu nesebičnu ljubav, požrtvovanje, prijateljstvo i znanje uloženo u odrastanje generacija umetnika".

By | 11 marta, 2013|Razno|Nema komentara

Održana je Godišnja skupština Zajednice MBPS

27.2.2013.g. održana je Godišnja skupština Zajednice MBPS.

Preuzmiote izveštaj u PDF formatu

By | 11 marta, 2013|Obaveštenja|Nema komentara

25 godina od smrti violiniste Henrika Šeringa

Četvrtak u 19h u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije u Beogradu

U Amfiteatru Narodne biblioteke Srbije održaće se predstavljanje knjige „Henrik Šering“ Siniše Iljoskog. Tokom predavanja biće izloženi i lični predmeti maestra Šeringa.
Učestvuju: Tonko Ninić (koncertmajstor Zagrebačkih solista),
Aleksandar Gatalica i Siniša Iljoski (autor).
Ulaz slobodan

By | 6 marta, 2013|Razno|Nema komentara

International Russian Rotary Children’s Music Competition

Rotary district 2220 Russia West

Music competition for children from 8 to 12 years.

Instruments: piano, violin, violoncello, harp, wind instruments

Semifinals and Finals in Moscow March 2013

By | 28 februara, 2013|Razno|Nema komentara

EMU meets Slovakia

From 1 till 3 March 2013 Slovakia will be the host of the 7th meeting of the EMU presidium. The presidium was invited by the Association of Basic Arts Schools of Slovak Republic "EMU Slovakia" and will meet the Minister of Education, Dr Dušan Čaplovič, the Mayor of Bratislava, mr Milan Ftáčnik and the board of the Slovakian Association.

A joint meeting will be organized with representatives of EMCY (European Union of Music Competitions for Youth) and ISCM (International Society for Cotempary Music) Slovak section concerning co-operation between EMU, EMCY and ISCM.

By | 28 februara, 2013|EMU|Nema komentara

Meѓunaroden art festival-Ezerski biseri

 4 - 14. 8.2013. godine, STRUGA,


By | 20 februara, 2013|Takmičenja|Nema komentara

Allegromosso Music Holiday – Riccione 2013

a journey through Music

30 June - 6 July 2013

After the success of Allegromosso, XI edition of the EMU Youth Music Festival in Italy (www.allegromosso.it), the artistic directors, Paolo Ponzecchi – Aidsm President, and Mirco Besutti - Assonanza Director, in collaboration with Società Firmatour di Egocentro srl, are inviting you to participate in a new and exciting project aimed at all music schools ensembles in Europe.

This is "Allegromosso Music Holiday", a week of holiday and music for ensembles of music schools all over Europe.

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Pre-registration Form

By | 17 februara, 2013|EMU|Nema komentara

Republičko 2013.


Pravilnik takmičenja

Pravilnik o radu žirija

Raspored takmičenja

Prijave -----> Prijava za škole, Za soliste, Za kamerne ansamble, Za orkestre

Uputstvo za direktore škola

-----> http://www.zmbss.org/srl/index.php

By | 17 februara, 2013|Takmičenja|Nema komentara