EMU presidium meets Estonia
From 4 till 6 October 2013 Estonia will be the host of the 9th meeting of the EMU presidium. The presidium has been invited by the Estonian Association of Music Schools and will meet the new board members of the Estonian Association of Music Schools and ms. Anne Kivimäe, head of the Youth Affairs Department of the Ministry of Education and Research.
EMU Capacity Building Seminar – Many Students, Many Pedagogies, Vaasa, Finland 24 – 26 October 2013
Please contact your national association for registration
Knjige za osnovnu i srednju muzicku skolu.
Dostava na kucnu adresu,placanje pouzecem.
Autori: Jela Krsic, B.Popovic, J.Jovicic,Z.Vasiljevic, Lily Petrovic, Vojislava V.Terzic, Zoran Rakic, Dejan Markovic, Nikolajev, Dimitrijevic.
EMU presidium meets Estonia
From 4 till 6 October 2013 Estonia will be the host of the 9th meeting of the EMU presidium. The presidium has been invited by the Estonian Association of Music Schools and will meet the new board members of the Estonian Association of Music Schools and ms. Anne Kivimäe, head of the Youth Affairs Department of the Ministry of Education and Research.
Uz muziku je sve lakše
Ivana Ilić, muzikoterapeut, jedini je stručnjak u ovoj oblasti u regionu. Dok se u Srbiji prave prvi koraci u podsticanju razvoja, ali i lečenju uz pomoć muzikoterapije, Ivana kao mladi stručnjak, krči svoj put u radu, pre svega sa najmlađima. Dok njene aktivnosti sa decom liče na zabavu i igru, iza ovakvog specijalizovanog učenja uz muzikoterapiju, stoji dugogodišnje usavršavanje u inostranstvu. A evo i kako muzikoterapija deluje na najmladi uzrast. U ovome su nam pomogli, preslatki mališani iz vrtića Bambini.