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Srećan praznik!

Srećan praznik želi vam urednik portala!

By | 1 maja, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

International competition of young musicians „Ohrid Pearls“ 2014




15 - 21 June 2014

By | 23 aprila, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Musical Instruments Photographed From Inside

They say beauty comes from within, and music does so quite literally – most sounds of music are created inside the instruments. Maybe that is the reason why Mona Sibai and Björn Ewers came up with an idea to photograph musical instruments from inside to promote Berlin Philharmonic orchestra.

Macro shots taken by Mierswa Kluska capture the interior of a violin, cello, flute and pipe organ as if they were spacious airy chambers, filled with sunlight breaking from little cracks on the walls. The captured images make you believe that you could actually walk inside them and experience the feeling of mightiness and mystery.

Check out the beautiful photos that convey such beautiful concept!


By | 20 aprila, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara


By | 13 aprila, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

\Unesco InternationalJazz Day 2014\

Jazz Appreciation Month
3a edizione

con il patrocinio di Commissione Italiana per l'UNESCO
in collaborazione con Comune di Livorno
a cura del Comitato Unesco Jazz Day Livorno
promozione a cura di Clap Jazz

Info generali: spettacolo@comune.livorno.it tel. 0586 820572

By | 13 aprila, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

“International Music Competition Muziekstraat”

International Music Competition Muziekstraat” is an online music competition organized by the Association “Muziekstraat”, based in Amsterdam, dedicated to young musicians of all nationalities. The competition will be held through our website: www.muziekstraatcompetition.com
Application period ends on April 25, 2014
Don't forget to like our facebook page www.facebook.com/muziekstraatcompetition

By | 13 aprila, 2014|Takmičenja|Nema komentara


Promotivni sadržaji festivala Nomus 2014.

U susret Nomusu Muzička omladina Novog Sada u saradnji sa Galerijom Matice srpske organizuje projekcije raritetnih filmskih ostvarenja!

Galerija Matice srpske
Ponedeljak, 14. april, 19.30 h

By | 13 aprila, 2014|Pozivnice|Nema komentara

„How Can Singing Belong to Everybody?“

International Symposium on Singing in Music Education April 23rd - 27th, 2014 - Budapest, Hungary, Organized by the Association of Hungarian Choirs, Orchestras and Folk Ensembles, in collaboration with the Liszt Academy of Music

The symposium shall focus on different music education approaches that involve singing, including a strong focus on how the Kodaly concept can still be used even if the basic conditions have changed. The symposium shall gather music pedagogues, professors and teachers, conductors, vocal ensembles and singers across Europe and wider for a rich and varied program of presentations, demonstrations, workshops, panel discussions  and concerts.

EMU participates in the symposium program as follows:

. Keynote speech by Helena Maffli, EMU president
"Formal and non-formal music education in Europe: current challenges and future perspectives”, Friday 25.04.14

. "What does Kodaly method offer for music schools today?”
Presentation by Ingrid Korvits and Nell May. Tallinn, Estonia,Thursday 24.04.14

. "Vocal and choral training in music schools: challenges, opportunities, partnerships"
Panel discussion with Agnès Dalarun, France, Tomas Kolafa, Czech Republic, Kaie Tanner, Estonia and Marianna Spiegel, Hungary, moderated by Helena Maffli,
Friday 25.04.14

Registration and more information on the website:

By | 6 aprila, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

19. Međunarodno takmičenje Petar konjović/19th International competition Petar konjovic

BEOGRAD,  maj 6 - 12 :: MAY 6 - 12,  2014 Belgrade

You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

By | 6 aprila, 2014|Takmičenja|Nema komentara

Šesti međunarodni festival „Dani harmonike“ Bijeljina-Ugljevik 2014.

Poštovani direktore, poštovane kolege nastavnici,

Osnovna muzička škola „Kornelije Stanković“ Bijeljina-Ugljevik i Udrženje umjetnika „Artist“ u saradnji sa Centrom za kulturu „Filip Višnjić“ Ugljevik, u periodu od 06.-12. maja 2014. godine organizuju Šesti međunarodni festival „Dani harmonike“ Bijeljina-Ugljevik 2014.

U okviru VI međunarodnog festivala „Dani harmonike“ biće organizovano takmičenje solista na harmonici, kamernih sastava i orkestara koje će se održati 09.-11. maja (petak, subota i nedelja). U sklopu festivala održaće se koncerti renomiranih izvodjača iz zemlje i inostranstva kao i ljetna skola harmonike pod rukovodstvom prof. Vladimira Murze (Ukrajina).

Propozicije za takmičenje, kao i informacije vezane za festival nalaze se na sajtu www.daniharmonike.com.

Biće nam zadovoljstvo da nam svojim učešćem uveličate ovaj, za sve nas značajan muzički dogadjaj.

Srdačan pozdrav!

 Direktor škole:

 Mr. Slaviša Perić

By | 2 aprila, 2014|Takmičenja|Nema komentara