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Music World News 1

The IMC Music World News eBulletin presents music news from around the world - brought to you by the International Music Council. The bulletin is emailed to subscribers every two weeks free of charge. It reaches more than 70 countries on all five continents. Click here to subscribe.    

In Focus


The Brisbane Declaration

'2020: a Sharpened Vision for the Musical World'

Paris, June 30, 2014 - As an international gathering of over one thousand music professionals, the 5th IMC World Forum on Music has invited, planned, heard, experienced, discussed, debated, consulted and taken notice of over one hundred presentations from all over the world highlighting different aspects of the 'ecosystem' of music in the second decade of the twenty-first century.

By | 16 jula, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

Music World News 2

Music the artform and artists

By | 16 jula, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara


Lorin Varencove Maazel
*March 6, 1930
+July 13, 2014
Rest In Peace

By | 14 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara


1951. U Los Andjelesu je umro austrijski kompozitor Arnold Šenberg . Kao začetnik Bečke atonalne škole, pobornik ekspresionizma u muzici i tvorac novog načina komponovanja - dodekafonije, bitno je uticao na razvoj muzike 20. veka (opera "Mojsije i Aron", simfonijska poema "Peleas i Melisandra", kantate "Gurelider", "Preživeli iz Varšave").

By | 13 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Klavierkonzert: Ivan Bašić


Ferruccio Busoni (nach Johann Sebastian Bach):
Choral Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland
Ludwig van Beethoven:
Rondo G dur, op.51 N. 2

Frédéric Chopin:
Sonata N.2, b moll, op.35
Grave - Doppio movimento
Marche funebre.Lento
Finale - presto

Frédéric Chopin: 
Scherzo N.2, b moll, op.31
Ballade N.2, F dur, op.38

Franz Liszt (nach Niccolò Paganini):
Etude N.6, a moll
Tema con variazioni

Aleksandar Vujić:
Finale aus der Suite op.30

By | 11 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

MŠ Kornelije Stanković – Bijeljina

Prva generacija maturanata naše škole

By | 10 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Listen to the Oldest Song in the World: A Sumerian Hymn Written 3,400 Years Ago

In the early 1950s, archaeologists unearthed several clay tablets from the 14th century B.C.E.. Found, WFMU tells us, “in the ancient Syrian city of Ugarit,” these tablets “contained cuneiform signs in the hurrian language,” which turned out to be the oldest known piece of music ever discovered, a 3,400 year-old cult hymn. Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, professor of Assyriology at the University of California, produced the interpretation above in 1972. (She describes how she arrived at the musical notation—in some technical detail—in this interview.) Since her initial publications in the 60s on the ancient Sumerian tablets and the musical theory found within, other scholars of the ancient world have published their own versions.

By | 9 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Koncerti ozbiljne muzike u julu

Zadužbina Ilije Kolarca, Studentski trg 5

Prodaja kompleta karata za ciklus Velikani muzičke scene i pobednici sezona 2014/15 (5+2 koncerta) traje od 13. juna do 11. jula!

Povodom obeležavanja 50 godina od osnivanja Likovne galerije Kolarčeve zadužbine organizujemo tri koncerta za vreme trajanja Godišnje izložbe. 

Četvrtak, 10 jul u 19h Mistik čelo, 

Petak, 11. jul u 19h Kvartet Sensartika, 

Subota, 12. jul u 19 h Kvartet Rocher

Ulaz na sve koncerte je slobodan

By | 9 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara

Willem van Moort elected to new EMC board

EMC Annual meeting on June 22nd in Bern, Switzerland, elected EMU presidium member Willem van Moort to the new EMC board for 2014-2016. Thus Willem succeeds to EMU president Helena Maffli who served on the EMC board from 2010 to 2014, and to EMU board member Timo Klemettinen who was President of EMC from 2008 until 2012.

This successful election ensures the sustainable involvement of EMU and the position of music education on the only existing platform for the entire European music sector.

Ian Smith (UK), Portfolio Manager Music & IP Development at Creative Schotland has been elected as the new EMC president.

Read more

By | 7 jula, 2014|EMU|Nema komentara

Platon o muzici

By | 7 jula, 2014|Razno|Nema komentara