Škola Muzike Melodies
Zavrsni koncert 20.06.2015.
Milica i drugari kao hor
Watch this young string quartet rock out on!
European Music School Union (EMU) 1
The XII European Youth Music Festival - EMUSIK 2016 will take place 5 – 8 May 2016 in Donostia - one of the 3 capital cities of The Basque country. Up to 7500 students from all over Europe may participate. Interested Music Schools should contact their national associations to register!
European Music School Union (EMU) 2
The EMU has moved! Our new offices are located at Mohrenstrasse 63, Berlin/Mitte. The premises, also known as 'Glinka-Haus', was built in 1914-1916 by Bodo Ebhardt. The building is owned by the German government and offers office space to non-profit organisations.
European Music School Union (EMU) 3
EMC Annual meeting on June 22nd in Bern, Switzerland, elected EMU presidium member Willem van Moort to the new EMC board for 2014-2016. Thus Willem succeeds to EMU president Helena Maffli who served on the EMC board from 2010 to 2014, and to EMU board member Timo Klemettinen who was President of EMC from 2008 until 2012.
This successful election ensures the sustainable involvement of EMU and the position of music education on the only existing platform for the entire European music sector.
Ian Smith (UK), Portfolio Manager Music & IP Development at Creative Schotland has been elected as the new EMC president.
Nemanja Radulović
Ovako je bilo pre 4 godine , na snimanju sa Nema Nja i Double sens
Kako će biti ove, mozete cuti 21.06., od 21h!
Studentski park, ulaz slobodan!
Festival slovenske muzike
Na jednaestom Festivalu slovenske muzike održanom u Rusiji, Moskvi, učesnici iz Srbije postigli su najveći uspeh .Festival se održavao u periodu od 14 do 18 maja 2015 god.Na Festivalu je učestvovalo 670 učesnika iz svih 13 slovenskih zemalja.Učenici Neda Nikolić i Veljko Nenadić osvojili su GRAN-PRI u kategoriji KAMERNA MUZIKA.Učenica Neda Nikolić osvojila je prvo mesto u solo disciplini-DUVAČKI INSTRUMENTI.Učenik Ratko Pavlović-KLASIČNA HARMONIKA osvojio je PRVO MESTO,LAUREAT.
Učenik Veljko Nenadić, pijanista i kompozitor ovojio je takođe PRVO MESTO,LAUREAT u kategoriji KLASIČNA KOMPOZICIJA.
Prof.Vojislavu Avramoviću dodeljeno je prestižno priznanje MEDALjA SLOVENSKOG FONDA RUSIJE za Razvoj Slovenske kulture. Prof.Vojislav Avramović je bio član žirija za kategoriju KLAVIR i predsednik žirija u disciplini KLAVIRSKI DUO.
Zahvaljujući ovako značajnim postignutim rezultatima Organizatori Festivala slovenske muzike u Moskvi odlučili su da na 12.-om Festivalu slovenske muzike u Rusiji 2016 god. Srbija bude predstavljena svojim muzičkim delima kao zemlja –domaćin u Moskvi
La musica
La musica mi trasporta in un mondo in cui il dolore non smette di esistere, ma si allarga, si placa, diventa insieme più calmo e più profondo, come un torrente che si trasforma in lago. - Marguerite Yourcenar
Ph: Giann Enid