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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

Music Test 2015 – testiranje za najtalenovanije rock, pop i hip – hop autore

Music Test je muzička manifestacija posvećena afirmaciji autora u tri žanra: pop, rock i hip - hop. Manifestacija ima takmičarski karakter, a najtalentovanije muzičare očekuje snimanje albuma i spota.


By | 2 avgusta, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara

Muzička škola Melodies

Koncert naših sjajnih instrumentalista

By | 2 avgusta, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara


The XII European Youth Music Festival - EMUSIK 2016 will take place 5 – 8 May 2016 in Donostia - one of the 3 capital cities of The Basque country. Up to 7500 students from all over Europe may participate. Interested Music Schools should contact their national associations to register!

By | 2 avgusta, 2015|EMU|Nema komentara


Naši muzički umetnici, solisti, manji i veći ansambli, sa velikim žarom i entuzijazmom izvode našu muziku, i to prilično često, što je za svaku pohvalu.

Filharmonija je druga priča. Tu se ne pitaju i ne odlučuju svirači nego „neko odozgo“, pa imamo tužni bilans od dva-tri domaća dela izvedena na koncertima u celoj sezoni!

Zorica Premate (Politika, 1.8.2015.)

By | 1 avgusta, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara

Our new location

The EMU has moved! Our new offices are located at Mohrenstrasse 63, Berlin/Mitte. The premises, also known as 'Glinka-Haus', was built in 1914-1916 by Bodo Ebhardt. The building is owned by the German government and offers office space to non-profit organisations.

By | 1 avgusta, 2015|EMU|Nema komentara

Unapređenje nastave u školama

Zajednica muzičkih i baletskih škola Srbije kontinuirano prati razvoj muzičkog i baletskog školstva i Ministarstvu prosvete daje predloge za njegovo osavremenjavanje i prilagođavanje potrebama društva.

By | 31 jula, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara

Präsentation / Presentation

Präsentation der neuen Veröffentlichungen und CDs von Milan Mihajlovic und Dejan Despic / Presentation of our new publications and CDs at the Serbian Composers Association in Belgrade.

By | 30 jula, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara


The XII European Youth Music Festival - EMUSIK 2016 will take place 5 – 8 May 2016 in Donostia - one of the 3 capital cities of The Basque country. Up to 7500 students from all over Europe may participate. Interested Music Schools should contact their national associations to register!

By | 30 jula, 2015|EMU|Nema komentara

Zamak kulture Vrnjačka Banja

Burno i bogato muzičko leto u Zamku kulture u Vanjačkoj Banji.

By | 28 jula, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara

Everyday Iran

A woman plays the accordions at the side of a street in Teheran.


By | 28 jula, 2015|Razno|Nema komentara