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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

MŠ Anton

  • Muzicka skola "Antoan" osnovana je 1990 godine i vec 20 godina uspesno radi. Osnivac muzicke skole je profesor muzike Anton Bodor. Muzicka skola bavi se ucenjem dece i odraslih da sviraju gitaru, harmoniku i klavijature. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da naucite da svirate neki od ovih instrumenata, javite se i pokusajte, necete pogresiti. 064/11-88-263 - Anton, Novi Sad, Srbija

By | 15 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

Ravel – velika godišnjica

Davor Busic on flute played Maurice Ravel - Piece en forme de Habanera, with Diana Grubisic-Cikovic on harp.

By | 14 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

Šopenova ljubav

Žorž Sand (George Sand, 1804 - 1876) bila je velika ljubav Frederika Šopena (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin). Za sebe je govorila: "Ja jesam to što jesam, oduševljena sam za lepo, željna istine, veoma osetljivog srca, veoma slabog rasudjivanja, često nerazložna, uvek dobronamerna, nikad sitna i osvetoljubiva, prilično plahovita i, hvala Bogu, savršeno zaboravna u odnosu na ružne stvari i na rđave ljude."

Žorž Sand bila je izuzetna ličnost toga vremena. Osim sto se bavila pisanjem, bila je i novinar i slikar a kasnije, u vreme revolucije, angažovala se i politički.

Sa Šopenom je provela deset godina. Voleli su se bez mnogo strasti, ali sa mnogo naklonosti. Ona je poštovala njega kao muzičkog genija, a on nju kao pisca i kao brižnu ženu.

By | 13 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

European Music Crossing

Trieste - Duino, Italy

8-15 luglio 2012

By | 13 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest

The European Music School Union (EMU), in partnership with the European Music Council (EMC) and with participation of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), will organise from 18 to 20 October 2012 in the Palace of Arts in Budapest a seminar on music education entitled From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for European Music Education.

By | 12 јула, 2012|ЕМУ|Нема коментара

EMU meets Donostia-San Sebastian

On 2 and 3 July 2012 EMUs' executive board was invited by the Association UEMYD (Union de Escuelas de Musica y Danza) and the EHME (Association of Music Schools of Euskal Herria) to Donostia-San Sebastian. Main topic of the visit was to analyse the possibilities to organise a European Youth Music Festival in the European Capital of Culture Donostia-San Sebastian in 2016.

A joint meeting was organized between the boards of the EMU, UEMYD, EHME and the Office of the European Capital of Culture 2016.

After that 'The Hondarribia Declaration Arts Education for a Society of Sustained Development in the 21st Century' was signed in the Parador de Hondarribia. The Declaration has been based on UNESCO's Seoul Agenda: Goals for the Development of Arts Education and the EMC Bonn Declaration.

By | 12 јула, 2012|ЕМУ|Нема коментара


National reports members European Music School Union 2011 / 2012
KOMU - Konferenz der Österreichischen Musikschulwerke 4
BELGIUM (French Community
AEMS -Association de l'Enseignement Musical Subventionné 5
Hrvatsko drustvo glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga 6

By | 12 јула, 2012|ЕМУ|Нема коментара

5th International Ohrid Choir Festival Award

50 Choirs from more than 20 countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Bosnia and hercegovina, Croatia, Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Lituania, Turky, Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Ukraine, Israel, Iceland.

Image - Needle - bride's head ornament from Village Galicnik, 19st century Republic of Macedonia ---> AWARD "Tomislav Zografski" on the 5th International Ohrid Choir Festival - august 2012.

By | 11 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

Piano Competition Ohrid Pearls 2012. – 1st Prize

1st prize winner at Piano Competition Ohrid Pearls, Macedonia 2012
Cathedral st.Sofija, Ohrid
Aleksandra Giceska (11) piano
prof. Filip Peoski
prof. Melani Peoska

By | 11 јула, 2012|Разно|Нема коментара

Seminar – From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for European Music Education : Access, Quality and Social Challenges

The European Music School Union (EMU), in partnership with the European Music Council (EMC) and with participation of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), will organise from 18 to 20 October 2012 in the Palace of Arts in Budapest a seminar on music education entitled From Seoul via Bonn to Budapest – Development Goals for European Music Education.

By | 11 јула, 2012|ЕМУ|Нема коментара