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So far admin has created 1125 blog entries.

Willem van Moort elected to new EMC board

EMC Annual meeting on June 22nd in Bern, Switzerland, elected EMU presidium member Willem van Moort to the new EMC board for 2014-2016. Thus Willem succeeds to EMU president Helena Maffli who served on the EMC board from 2010 to 2014, and to EMU board member Timo Klemettinen who was President of EMC from 2008 until 2012.

This successful election ensures the sustainable involvement of EMU and the position of music education on the only existing platform for the entire European music sector.

Ian Smith (UK), Portfolio Manager Music & IP Development at Creative Schotland has been elected as the new EMC president.

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By | 1 јуна, 2015|ЕМУ|Нема коментара

20-24th of July 2015 – Jaqcues-Dalcroze International Congress – Geneva Switzerland

During the Jaqcues-Dalcroze International Congress in Geneva, Switserland the following subjects will be leading:

Pedagogy, art, science interaction: what are the influences on musical learning today and tomorrow.

More information can be found in this flyer or on the website www.dalcroze.ch

By | 1 јуна, 2015|ЕМУ|Нема коментара

GALIS Informacioni sistem za muzičke škole

GALIS Školski Informacioni Sistem predstavljen je na Sajmu obrazovanja u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Nebojša Obradović, Autor Galis-a održao je predavanje na seminaru "Uloga direktora u obrazovanju". Na Seminaru je bilo prisutno oko 500 direktora i stručnih saradnika iz cele Srbije, kao i predstavnici Ministarstva prosvete.

By | 1 јуна, 2015|Семинари|Нема коментара

GALIS predstavlen na Sajmu obrazovanja u Vrnjačkoj Banji

GALIS Školski Informacioni Sistem predstavljen je na Sajmu prosvete u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Nebojša Obradović, autor Galis-a održao je predavanje na seminaru "Uloga direktora u obrazovanju". Na Seminaru je bilo prisutno oko 500 direktora i stručnih saradnika iz cele Srbije, kao i predstavnici Ministarstva prosvete.

By | 31 маја, 2015|Разно|Нема коментара

Škola Muzike Melodies

Divno vreme za Baby Exit festival!


Čekamo vas danas na bini Bambino u 18:15h, da zajedno sa našim Melodies đacima uživate u muzici i da vidite šta mi to Apelujemo, šta je Svakoj mački san, ko je Krokodil zvani Gena i da pesmom Smeha deci izmamimo vaše osmehe.


By | 31 маја, 2015|Обавештења|Нема коментара

Sajam obrazovanja – Vrnjačka Banja 2015

By | 27 маја, 2015|Разно|Нема коментара

33 Međunarodno takmičenje u Karditsi-Grčka

From July 9 to 18 , 2015


By | 27 маја, 2015|Такмичења|Нема коментара

2015 Enkor Piano and Violin Competition

It is our great pleasure to bring to your attention the 2nd Edition of Enkor Piano and Violin Competition, the first ever truly international classical music competition entirely held on Internet.

We will be very thankful if you pass the information on to your students who might be interested.

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Application deadline: June 20, 2015
Rules: http://www.enkorcompetition.com/p/competition-rules.html
How to apply: http://www.enkorcompetition.com/p/how-to-apply.html
Adjudicating System: http://www.enkorcompetition.com/2015/05/adjudicating-system-enkor-competitions.html
Results 2014 edition: http://www.enkorcompetition.com/p/results.html

Best regards, Enkor Committee

Düsseldorf, Germany

By | 26 маја, 2015|Разно|Нема коментара

A Harmonious Ensemble

Musical Instruments at the Metropolitan Museum, 1884–2014

By | 21 маја, 2015|Разно|Нема коментара

Na „Muzičkoj noći“ nežne melodije Debisija, Lista…

U petak 22. maja od 20 sati u galeriji “Art 55” biće održan koncert klasične muzike “La nuit musicale” (“Muzička noć”) na kome će publika moći da čuje neke od najpoznatijih ljubavnih pesama na francuskom i sentimentalnih valcera.

By | 21 маја, 2015|Разно|Нема коментара